"; // if($request=="POST") { // // if(isset( $_POST['FirstName']) and isset( $_POST['email'])){ // // // open DB for filter & operations // $dbname="jamilinc_3SkinSecrets"; // $db=mysqli_connect('localhost','jamilinc_jami2','iN&U-Sm7T_}*','jamilinc_3SkinSecrets'); // // // //echo "next 1.
"; $PARAMS = $_POST; // foreach ( $PARAMS as $key=>$value ) { // // $key =mysqli_real_escape_string($db,$key); // $value =mysqli_real_escape_string($db,$value); // $key=preg_replace("/([^[:alnum:] ])/", "", strip_tags($key, '')); // // if($key=="email"){ // $value=preg_replace("/([^[:alnum:]@._-])/", "", strip_tags($value, '')); // $value=filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); // } else { // $value=preg_replace("/([^[:alnum:] ])/", "", strip_tags($value, ''));// if( strlen($value) > "22") { $value = substr("$value", 0, 20); } } // //echo "3b. $key = $value
"; $$key=$value; // } // // // write to database // if( isset($_SESSION['afid'])){ $aid=$_SESSION['afid']; } elseif(isset($afid)){ $aid=$afid; } // // $query = "SELECT Product, Name from Customers where Email='$email' AND (Product='wel' or Series='wel')"; //$query = "SELECT Name, Product from Customers where Email='$email'"; $result = mysqli_query($db, $query); while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $j=mysqli_num_fields($result); for($i=0;$i<$j;$i++) { $k=mysqli_fetch_field_direct($result,$i)->name; $$k=$row[$k]; } } // //echo "prd: $Name, $Purchase_date, $Nam, $Prod, $Name, $Product"; // if(empty($Name)){ // // $current=time(); $today=date("Ymd"); // $d2 = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d")+2, date("Y")); $days2=date("Ymd", $d2); $sql = "insert into Customers (Email, AffID, Product, Purchase_date, Ptime, Series, Series_fire, Series_count, Name) values ('$email', '$aid', 'wel', '$today', '$current', 'wel', '$days2', '2', '$FirstName')"; // // //echo "$sql
"; if(mysqli_query($db, $sql)){ // // echo "You have been added, Record added successfully."; // $Fname=$FirstName; $Email=$email; $Skin_path= "/home2/jamilinc/public_html/administrator/3SkinSecrets/"; // $html_emails=$Skin_path."emails/wel/"; // $send_scripts=$Skin_path."scripts/"; // $Free_send=$send_scripts."Free_send.php"; // $Eml_file="w_1.php"; // $admin_eml="gp@jamilin.com"; // $From_eml="orders@jamilin.com"; // $From_name="Jami Lin"; // $replyTo="orders@jamilin.com"; // $headers="orders@jamilin.com"; // $subject="3SkinSecrets"; // // // // $html_file=$html_emails.$Eml_file; // html file include("$Free_send"); // email script // unset($continue); // unset($Name); unset($email); // //mysqli_free_result($result); // // //header("Location: https://youthduo.com/1/welcome.php?afid=$aid"); exit; // include("/home2/jamilinc/public_html/agelessskincare/1/welcome.php"); exit; // } else { // //printf("Errormessage: %s\n", $mysqli->error); $er="4E001) It appears that you have already signed up, thank you.
"; // echo "ERROR: Could not execute $sql. " . mysqli_error($db); } // } else { $er="4E002) It appears that you have already signed up, thank you.
"; // } // // mysqli_close($db); } // } ?> Ageless-Skin-CARE

Ingredients in your kitchen
to Look Younger!
"; echo ""; } ?>

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